With my upcoming release, I wanted to address a subject I get a lot. In at least one review one reader will complain that my book isn’t clean Christian.
Let me break it down like this. Just like there are different Bible versions: KJV, NKJV, Amplified, NLT, etc. and so on. There are different versions of Christian fiction/authors. Christian fiction has several sub-genres, and I write African America/Urban. The genre may be a different version but the message is always about God.
I will inform you now, I don’t write wholesome and clean. Amazon has a wholesome and clean genre, and you will never find any book by me listed there. I’m not raunchy or disrespectful, but I write about life. I write real, raw, relatable Christian fiction as my Father puts on my heart.
The books He places on my heart deal with tough subjects. I’m a social worker and a victim advocate so I deal with trauma daily. My reason for writing is to use my faith to empower survivors and educate others about sensitive subjects. I do my best to share the message the way He shares it with me.
I am unapologetic about it.
I might not be the author for you. That’s okay if you don’t like my version of Christian fiction, but never say what I write isn’t Christian fiction. As Toni Morrison said, “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” That’s what I do!